Kaifeng City

2023 Road Sponge transformation project Neishuncheng Road (Daliang Road - Libianqiao) Road sponge transformation project - Result announcement

Release time: 2024-03-13 09:48:32 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

2023Road sponge transformation project inside Shuncheng Road(Girder road-Libian Bridge)Road sponge transformation project

Result announcement

Fanda International Engineering Consulting Co., LTDKaifeng City Administration Bureau (Kaifeng City Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau)The commission, just2023Road sponge transformation project inside Shuncheng Road(Girder road-Libian Bridge)Public tender for road spongification renovation project, in20240227Bid opening and evaluation activities were carried out in accordance with the law in the Public Resources Trading Center of Kaifeng City。After the expiration of the period of publicity of the candidates, the bidding committee shall, in accordance with the principles, methods and procedures of the bidding20240312In the calibration room of Kaifeng public resources Trading Center, the calibration was carried out by checking random method。The bidding results are now announced as follows:

1. Description of the bidding project

1.1Project Name:2023Road sponge transformation project inside Shuncheng Road(Girder road-Libian Bridge)Road sponge transformation project

1.2Project Number:FDZB-F-2024-001

1.3Source of funds: financial funds

1.4Total planned investment: approx600万元

1.5Bidding method: open bidding

1.6Scope of tender:

Section 1: Bill of quantities, construction drawings (including changes in drawings) and all contents specified in the bidding documents

Section II: Supervision services during the construction phase and the liability period for engineering defects

Ii. Division of bid sections

2.1Bidding section division: The project is divided into two bidding sections

Section 1:2023Road sponge transformation project inside Shuncheng Road(Girder road-Libian Bridge)Road sponge transformation project construction

Section 2:2023Road sponge transformation project inside Shuncheng Road(Girder road-Libian Bridge)Road sponge reconstruction project supervision

2.2Project overview: pavement removal, subgrade improvement, pavement resurfacing, curb replacement, new green belt and other basic engineering, pavement reinforcement asphalt cover, etc。

2.3Quality requirements: Qualified。

2.4Qualification Requirements:

Section 1: The bidder shall have the qualification of Grade 3 (including Grade 3) or above for general contracting of municipal public works construction issued by the construction administrative department;

Section 2: The bidder shall have Grade C (including Grade C) or above qualification of municipal public works supervision or comprehensive qualification of project supervision;


Section 1: Construction schedule:120Calendar days;

Section 2: Supervision service period: with the construction period and defect liability period;

2.6Bidding control total price: First bid:5265557.26Yuan;Section 2:68800.00元。

3. Bid opening time202402270925

Bid evaluation time202402271040

Calibration time202403121400

Iv. List of Bid Evaluation Committee members:Song Zhiwei, Li Tianpeng, Zhang Yali, Bai Hongjie, Gao Feng

List of members of the Bidding Committee:Shao Yafei, Liu Jun, Ma Shiyong

5. Verify information

The verification contents include: the first paragraph: enterprise credit information,Corporate bribery inquiry,Screenshot of company information, shareholder or investor information,Finalizing candidates business license, qualification certificate, safety production permit,Project manager certificate and safety production assessment certificate, full-time safety officer safety production assessment certificate, technical director certificate,Social security certificate,业绩。The second bidding section: corporate credit information, corporate bribery inquiry, screenshots of company information, shareholders or investors information, business license, qualification certificate, project director certificate, social security certificate, performance。

All calibration candidates passed the verification。

6. The information of the winning bidder is as follows

Section 1:

The full name of the winning bidder: Henan Yuzhongliang Construction Engineering Co., LTD

Qualifications and Abilities:Municipal public works construction general contracting level II

Total bid price:4902370.32

Quality requirements: Qualified

工期:120Calendar day


Certificate number: Yu241202195316

Section 2:

The full name of the winning bidder: Henan Construction Engineering Management Co., LTD

Qualifications and Abilities:Municipal public works supervision Grade A

Total bid price:60000.00

Quality requirements: Qualified

Supervision service period: with the construction period and defect liability period

Project Director: Jia Chaofeng

Certificate Number:00596176

7. Publishing media

The announcement of the results was published simultaneously on the "China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform", "Henan Electronic Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform" and "Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Information Network"。Publicity time:20240314日至20240318Day (3 working days)

Viii. Channels and methods for raising objections:

  According to the BianPublic Administration Office (202013The document stipulates that if the bidder has objections to the above results, it can raise objections to the tenderer on the public resources trading information network cable in Kaifeng City during the publicity period, and the overdue will no longer be accepted, and the tenderer should be from the date of receipt of the objection3Reply within days,If the opposing party still has objections to the reply or the tenderer fails to reply within the prescribed time, the opposing party may start from the date of announcement of the result10Within days (objection reply period does not count) in the Kaifeng public resources trading information network online complaint。(In the column of important documents on this website, there are text formats and requirements for objections and complaints of construction projects)。

9. Contact information

Tenderer: Kaifeng City Administration Bureau (Kaifeng City Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau)

Address: Kaifeng eighth Street and Ankang Road intersection to the north200Rice city office complex

Contact: Shao Yafei

Contact number:0371-23933581

Bidding Agency: Fangda International Engineering Consulting Co., LTD

Contact: CAI Wang

Contact number:0371-23234066

地址:Yuxin Street, Longting District, Kaifeng18No. (Yaju Mei District Street Square Consulting)

Supervision unit: Kaifeng City Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau

Contact number:0371-2385956



Download attachment:Announcement of results - Neishun City Road

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