Party and government construction

Let the party history study and education in the special "heart" to "ambition" in the distance

Release time: 2024-08-22 10:35:33 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

       The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a regulation on the study and education of Party History, and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to earnestly implement it。Over the past century, from Shikumen to Tian 'anmen, from Xingye Road to Fuxing Road, our Party has united and led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to forge ahead without fear of wind and rain, and compose a magnificent epic of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。"Want to know the road,History must come first.",The majority of Party members and cadres should draw wisdom and strength from the century-old Party history,With the ambition of "Kuafu chasing the sun", the perseverance of "Jingwei reclaiming the sea", and the confidence of "Yugong moving the mountains",Bravely establish "the ambition of the sky", "the ambition of the clouds" and "the ambition of the great ambition",With sincerity and sincerity, we strive to draw a beautiful picture of Chinese modernization。

Yongbao "would like to get this length to serve the country" of the bold ambition, feeling "the heart of the faith, can go far" of the thought of great power, in the "unswerving" courage to establish "do not teach huma du Yin mountain" of the sky。If the root does not shake, the branches and leaves are prosperous。Ideals and convictions are the spiritual pillar and political soul of Chinese Communists, as well as the ideological basis for maintaining the unity and unity of the Party。From the small red boat on the South Lake of Jiaxing to the mighty ship that navigated China, the reason why our Party has been able to endure a hundred years of wind and hardships and prosper, in the final analysis, is because our Party has always adhered to the leadership, taking loyalty to the Party as the primary political quality, and steadily advancing along the right road。The majority of party members and cadres should be "an inch of time is not light" attitude of knowledge,Pour the loyalty ideal of "hitting the floating cloud nine thousand li",完整、准确、全面深悟习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的科学要义和丰富内涵,We will continue to arm our minds with the Party's innovative theories, guide practice, and promote our work,Always in "tempering the party spirit, tempering the will, cultivating the ability" to steady the rudder of thought,Replenish the calcium of the spirit,Build the foundation of faith,Keep up with the pace of The Times in "entering the heart into the brain, seeing the effect of the line, going deep and going solid",Adapt to the requirements of The Times,Push society forward,We will continue to work together to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

Always keep the dedication of "wax torch becomes ashes and tears dry", feel the power of "thinking in the future, toward Si Si Si" for the people, and bravely stand up in "I hope that all lives are warm" Qingyun aspiration。Governing the country is normal, and benefiting the people is the foundation。从“当代愚公”毛相林用双手创造财富,到“时代楷模”徐利民用真情关怀群众,再到“最美奋斗者”黄文秀用青春诠释初心……一代代中国共产党人栉风沐雨,薪火相传。习近平总书记强调,为中国人民谋幸福,为中华民族谋复兴,是中国共产党人的初心和使命,是激励一代代中国共产党人前赴后继、英勇奋斗的根本动力。The majority of party members and cadres should always keep the love of the people's original heart,Always firmly uphold the people's position,Closely around the fundamental question of "who I am, who I am for, who I rely on",The heart of a public servant with his head bowed like a willing ox,Really put yourself in, put your responsibilities in, put your work in,In the process of "solving difficult problems, breaking difficulties, and seeking breakthroughs," we will do things that benefit the people's lives, do things that warm the people's hearts, and do things that follow the people's opinions well,In the "practical work, practical results, and practical measures", we truly benefit the people, solve the problems for the people, and solve the difficulties for the people,We will continue to make the people's sense of gain more substantial, more secure and more sustainable。

Always keep the "shoulder hong Ren Ju song line" of practical confidence, feeling "time does not wait for me, only seize the day and night" of the responsibility of the mighty force, in the "good practice not idle" bravely set up "straight sail to the sea" of ambition。The road is simple, and hard work is necessary。Looking back on the 100-year history of the development of the Communist Party of China, it is a "history of responsibility" of the Chinese Communists.。Having the courage to take responsibility is not only a fundamental requirement for the cause of the Party and the people, but also an excellent quality of Chinese Communists。Young cadres are born at the right time and have a lot to do, and they should consciously be unremitting strivers who have the courage to take on responsibilities, and strive for reform and innovation, and constantly open up new situations in the work of facing problems and solving problems。The majority of Party members and cadres should always preserve the struggle of "enduring hardships and not cold",Accumulate the fighting power of "now step from the beginning",Always with the sense of mission of "not breaking Loulan will not return", the sense of responsibility of "seeking the life and death of the country", and the sense of urgency of "an inch of time an inch of gold",Keep your eye on the key few,We will pay close attention to key links,Break through stubborn obstacles,Improve the quality and effectiveness of development,With the "I will be up and down and seek" action power, "day workers on the day to compete for new" innovation, "blowing the crazy sand to gold" execution,In the "know the responsibility in the heart, take responsibility in the body, perform the responsibility in the line" to turn a blueprint into reality,Turn one vision into reality,To "success does not have to be in me,Success must have my responsibility.,Continuously create a new situation of Chinese-style modernization。

From: Communist Party member network

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